2007 HDMI Developers Conference--China HD, Need Industry Alliance

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《2007 HDMI Developers Conference--China HD, Need Industry Alliance》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2007 HDMI Developers Conference--China HD, Need Industry Alliance(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2007 HDMI Developers Conference--China HD, Need Industry Alliance China HD, Need Industry AllianceYe Ping, Sino-Market Research Ltd.September 12, 200<7 AgendaIssuei i China HDTV,Big Market i Topic 1iopportunityi i iTopic 2Owning,but not Enjoyingi China HDTV,Industry i Topic 3lliAlliancei

2、i iliiTopic 4Sino,F(xiàn)ocus & Specializing2 China HDTV,Big market opportunityCTV revenues Surpass hundred billionPDF TV growing rapidlyFPD TV HD share Surpass 90% 200<7’CTV revenues will CTV revenues Surpass hundred billionreach by 15billionUS$ 中國彩電國內(nèi)銷額規(guī)模中國彩電國內(nèi)銷量規(guī)模萬臺億元 2005-200<7年 2005-200<

3、7年500025%140025%23.<7%4500116412003<716400020%20%9413500100035833461810300015%15%16.1%8002500600200010%10%15004003.5%10005%5%3.<7%20050000%00%2005年2006年200<7年(f)2005年2006年200<7年(f)零售量增長率零售額增長率來源:賽諾公司彩電季報來源:賽諾公司彩電季報4注:1美元=<7.<75人民幣 CTV revenues Surpass hundred billionCTV Market the market growi

4、ng growing steadilyrate in revenues exceeds that of in port shipmentsCTV revenues Surpasshundred billionstructure getting average price of CTV higher is the main tend to risecause5 FPD TV growing rapidly6 FPD TV growing rapidlyshipments share 20%FPD TV share growing rapidlyFPD TV growing rapid

5、lyrevenues share over 50%big difference in different region<7 FPD TV HD Share Surpass 90%8 FPD TV HD share Surpass 90%China HD is at high the major PDF TV is tierHDFPD TV HD share Surpass 90%owning HD but not 1080penjoy it yetStarting9 Owning HD,but not enjoying it yetFPD, holding 15million

6、, paid 150billionHD Channel in ChinaHD Channel in US Consumer paid, holding, but to they enjoy it?FPD,holding 15million, paid 150billion中國FPD電視累計支付額中國FPD電視擁有量萬臺億元 2003-200<7年 2003-200<7年15<7<71600152<71600140014001200120010001000<76<78008006<7260060040040031<72322002009<7521124002003200420052006

7、200<7(f)2003200420052006200<7(f)FPD擁有量FPD累計支付額來源:賽諾公司彩電季報,F(xiàn)PD包括液晶和等離子電視來源:賽諾公司彩電季報,F(xiàn)PD包括液晶和等離子電視11注:1美元=<7.<75人民幣 HD Channel in China?7?CDM (China dtvmedia inc.ltd):HD Film, 120Yuan/m?7?SiTV: ”New Vision”, 80Yuan/m?7?China Film Group : CHC Home Theater, HD Film, , 120Yuan/m?7?BAMC & TopV:12

8、 HD Channel in US??7According to DisplaySerch, there are 5<7 HDTV channels<Global High Definition Outloo13 China HDTV,Industry AllianceHD Industry, not balanceFPD TV HDMI share going up rapidly HD Industry, not balanceHD BroadcastingHD STBHD ContentHD DisplayHD PlayerHD GameHD InterfaceHD

9、Game ConsolesHD WebsiteHD camcorders15 FPD TV HDMI share going up rapidly16 Larger FPD TV HDMI Share Surpass 90%1<7 HD Industry, not balanceHD IndustryHD BroadcastingHD PlayerHD GameHD camcordersInternetStreamingMediaTerrestrial Blue RayWiiDVHardDisc DVContent DownloadBroadcastingCable Broa

10、dcastingHDVDPS3DV DVHardDisc DVHD Web SideSatellite BroadcastingEVDXbox360DV Tape DVHard Disc PayerOthers18 Sino-MR, Focus & SpecializingThe leading marketing research firm in China, focusing onzConsumer electronicszHome applianceszMobile phones Sino-MR Areas of FocusSino-MRCE&HAMobile

11、 PhoneConsultingConsumer ElectronicsMobile PhoneStrategy and ConsultingHome ApplianceStarted in 1994Started in 1996Started in 200220 How Sino-MR Studies the Display MarketPOS Tracking Network of Sino-mrby Apr., 200<7City classChinaTrack citiesTracking outletsASuper large44488BFirst class4141982CS

12、econd class<781209164DThird class<7199526<7Total22964502913PanelBrandRetailConsumersSupplyDemandComponentsOEMWholesaleIndustry usersEquipmentFinal Upper Set Distributorsuserssuppliersmakers21 Sino-MR’s reports (partial listing)TitleFormatTypeNo.China Hi-tier CTV Quarterly ReportPPT02<7China CTV R

13、etail Channel Quarterly ReportPPT/EXCEL028China Large-Screen TV Quarterly Report(40”and larger)EXCEL029E:China LCD TV Industrial Quarterly ReportEXCEL030Quarterly031China PDP TV Industrial Quarterly ReportEXCELReports032China Wide-Screen CRT TV Quarterly ReportEXCEL033China Digital CRT TV Quarterly

14、ReportEXCEL034China CTV By Five Grade Market Quarterly ReportEXCEL0352006’China Large-Screen TV Annual Report(40”and larger)PDF0362006’China Flat-Panel TV Public Application Annual ReportPDF03<72006’China LCD TV Annual ReportPDF0382006’China PDP TV Annual ReportPDFF:0392006’China Rural CTV Annual Re

15、portPDFAnnualReports0402006’China Digital CRT TV Annual ReportPDF0412006’China Slim CRT TV Annual ReportPDF0422006’China DVD Player Annual ReportPDF0432006’China Portable DVD Player Annual ReportPDF22 Acknowledge?7?Sino-HA provide exact, ease of use MDSS analyzing System?7?Sina-AV provide valuable 6><#00aa00'>view?7?The friend in PDP industry provide valuable opinion?7?All of our friends who helped, supported us23 The EndThanks for your attention!Contact:Ye Ping(Mr.)Email: bingo@sino-mr//.sino-reviewTel: 86-10-6581-1228,6581-5<700x8801MP: 86-13901302<7<7<7Fax: 86-10-6581-3<702

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