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20 積分





1、序號 單詞 注音 釋義 1 a ei,。 2 a.m ei em 3 abandon Sbaendon 4 ability s'biliti 5 able 'eibl 6 abnormal aeb'no :mol 7 aboard Sb。:d 8 abolish o'bo lif 9 about bbaut 10 above SbA V 11 abroad Sbr。:d 12 abrupt o'brApt 13 absence 'aebsons 14 ab

2、sent 屈bsont 15 absolute 'aebsolu:t 16 absolutely faebsslu:tli 17 absorb ob's。:b 18 abstract 'aebstraekt 19 absurd ob's9:d 20 abundance 9 5b Andons 21 abundant o'bA nd0nt 198 ancestor 'aensost。 199 anchor faegkQ 200 ancient 由nJ 0nt 201 and 0nd

3、, aend 202 angel ceind3 si 203 anger '磔g。 204 angle 那么gl 205 Angle faer)gl 206 angry 那么gri 207 animal 'aenimol 208 ankle 到koi 209 anniversary 遇 ni'vdsori 210 announce 9fnauns 211 announcer o'nauns。 212 annoy 9fno i 213 annual faenju91 21

4、4 anonymous o'n。nimss 215 another afnA da 216 answer 'a:qs& 217 ant aent 218 antarctic aenf a:ktik 219 anticipate aenftisipeit 2178 governor !gA vans 2179 gown gaun 2180 grab graeb 2181 grace greis 2182 graceful 'greisfol 2183 gracious "grei

5、f 9S 2184 grade greid 2185 gradual 'graedjuH 2186 gradually 'graedjuoli 2187 graduate 'graedjueit 2188 grain grein 2189 grammar 'graemo 2190 grammatical gr—maetikol 2191 gramme graem 2192 grand graend 2193 granddaughter 'graen.d。:ts 2194 grandfat

6、her fgraend.fa:d9 2195 grandmother 'graend.mA da 2196 grandson fgraendsA n 2197 grant gra:nt 2198 Grant gra:nt 2199 grape greip 2200 graph graef,gra:f 2201 grasp gra:sp 2202 grass gra:s 2203 grateful 'greitfsl 2204 gratitude 'graetitju:d 2205

7、grave greiv 2206 gravity 'graeviti 2207 gray grei 2208 Gray 格雷(男子名) 2209 graze greiz 2210 grease gri:s, gri:z 2211 great greit 2212 greatly 'greitli 2213 greedy 'gri:di 2214 Greek gri:k 2215 green grim 2216 greenhouse fgri:nhaus 2217 greet

8、 gri:t 2218 greeting gri:tir) 2219 grey grei 2220 grief gri:f 2221 grieve gri:v 2222 grim grim 2223 grin grin 2224 grind graind 2225 grip grip 2226 groan grsun 2227 grocer fgr9US9 2228 grocery 'grousori 2229 grope group 2230 gross gr

9、sus 2231 ground graund 2232 group gru:p 2233 grow grsu 2234 growth grguG 2235 guarantee .gaer01rti: 2236 guard ga:d 2237 guardian 4ga:dj9n 2238 guess ges 2239 guest gest 2240 guidance 'gaidons 2241 guide gaid 2242 guideline "gaidlain 224

10、3 guilty 'gilti 2244 gulf gA If 2245 gum gAm 2246 gun gAn 2247 gunpowder fgA n.pauds 2248 guy gai 2249 gymnasium dj im'neizi0m 2250 habit 'haebit 2251 habitual hs'bitjusl 2252 hair h8 9 2253 haircut 'h£ 3kA t 2254 half ha:f 2255 hall ho

11、 :1 2256 halt ho :lt 2257 hamburger fhaemb3:g9 2258 hammer 'haem。 2259 hamper "haemps 2260 hand haend 2261 handbook "hsendbuk 2262 handful 'haendful 2263 handicap "hsendikasp 2264 handkerchief 'haegkstf if 2265 handle 'haendl 2266 handsome 'ha

12、ensom 2267 handwriting !haend.raitig 2268 handy 'haendi 2269 hang 喇 2270 happen fhaep9n 2271 happiness 'haepinis 2272 happy 'haepi 2273 harbour 'ha:b。 2274 hard ha:d 2275 harden *ha:dn 2276 hardly 'ha:dli 2277 hardship 'ha:df ip 2278 hardwar

13、e fha:dw8 9 2279 hare h8 9 2280 harm ha:m 2281 harmful 2282 harmony !ha:mgni 2283 harness 'ha:nis 2284 harsh ha:f 2285 harvest fha:vist 2286 haste heist 2287 hasten 'heisn 2288 hasty 'heisti 2289 hat hast 2290 hatch haetf 2291 hate

14、 heit 2292 hateful 'heitfal 2293 hatred 'heitrid 2294 haul ho :1 2295 haunt ho :nt 2296 have haev 2297 hawk ho :k 2298 hay hei 2299 hazard 'haez0d 2300 he hi: 2301 head hed 2302 headache 'hedeik 2303 heading *hedig 2304 headline 'hedla

15、in 2305 headmaster 'hed'ma:st。 2306 headquarters 'hed'kw。:tsz 2307 heal hi:l 2308 health helO 2309 healthy ,helOi 2310 heap hi:p 2311 hear hi。 2312 hearing (hisrig 2313 heart ha:t 2314 heat hi:t 2315 heating 'hi: tig 2316 heave hi:v 23

16、17 heaven 'hevn 2318 heavily 'hevili 2319 heavy 'hevi 2320 hedge hed3 2321 heel hi:l 2322 height hait 2323 heighten "haitn 2324 heir 8 0 2325 helicopter fheliko pts 2326 hell hel 2327 hello hSlou 2328 helmet fhelmit 2329 help help 2330

17、 helpful 'helpfal 2331 helpless 'helplis 2332 hemisphere "hemisfis 2333 hen hen 2334 hence hens 2335 henceforth 'hens'fb :0 2336 her ho: 2337 herd hs:d 2338 here hi。 2339 heritage 'heritidj 2340 hero 'hiorou 2341 heroic hi'rauik 2342 her

18、oine 'herouin 2343 hers hs:z 2344 herself hsfself 2345 hesitate 'heziteit 2346 hi hai 2347 hide haid 2348 hierarchy "haisra:ki 2349 high hai 2350 highlight 'hailait 2351 highly (haili 2352 highway fhaiwei 2353 hill hil 2354 hillside ,hil

19、'said 2355 him him 2356 himself him'self 2357 hinder 'hind。,'haind。 2358 hinge hind3 2359 hint hint 2360 hire 'hais 2361 his hiz 2362 historian his5 to : ri on 2363 historic his'to rik 2364 historical hist。iriksl 2365 history 'histori 2366 h

20、it hit 2367 hitherto 'h—: 2368 hobby (ho bi 2369 hoist ho ist 2370 hold hsuld 2371 hole haul 2372 holiday 'ho hdi 2373 hollow *ho lau 2374 holy 'houli 2375 home hsum 2376 homogeneous ho mdd3 i:nj9s 2377 honest '0 nist 2378 honesty ’0 nis

21、ti 2379 honey 'hA ni 2380 honeymoon fhA nimu:n 2381 honour *0 n。 2382 honourable ’0 nsrsbl 2383 hook huk 2384 hope hsup 2385 hopeful 'houpfol 2386 hopeless 'hauplisli 2387 horizon hsYaizn 2388 horizontal .ho ri'zo ntl 2389 horn ho :n 2390 ho

22、rrible 'ho rsbl 2391 horror 'ho rs 2392 horse ho :s 2393 horsepower ,ho :spau9 2394 hose hsuz 2395 hospital fh0 spitl 2396 hospitality ho spi'tseliti 2397 host hdust 220 antique sen'ti:k 221 anxiety segfzai9ti 222 anxious 何kJ 9S 223 any 'eni

23、 224 anybody eni.bo di 225 anyhow 'eni:.hau 226 anyone 'eniwA n 227 anything ,eni.0ig 228 anyway 'eniwei 229 anywhere 'eniwe。 230 apart Spent 231 apartment o'pcrtmont 232 apologize 9fpo 10d3 aiz 233 apology o'p。i 234 apparatus .aepSreitos 235

24、 apparent Spaer0nt 236 appeal s'pi:l 237 appear dpi。 238 appearance o'piorons 239 appendix o'pendiks 240 appetite faepitait 241 applaud o'plo :d 2398 hostage "ho stid3 2399 hostess 'houstis 2400 hostile 'ho stail 2401 hot ho t 2402 hotel hou'

25、tel 2403 hour aus 2404 house haus 2405 household fhaush9uld 2406 housewife !hauswaif 2407 hover tho v。 2408 how hau 2409 however hau'ev。 2410 hug hAg 2411 huge hju:d3 2412 human fhju:m9n 2413 humanity hjuJmseniti 2414 humble 'hA mbl 2415

26、 humid ,hju:mid 2416 humidity hju:'miditi 2417 humorous 2418 humour 'hju:m。 2419 hundred 'hA ndrsd 2420 hunger 'hA rjgs 2421 hungry 'hA ggri 2422 hunt hA nt 2423 hurl hs:l 2424 hurricane "hAriksn 2425 hurry ,hAri 2426 hurt ho:t 2427 hus

27、band 'hA zb0nd 2428 hut hA t 2429 hydrogen fhaidrid3 on 2430 hypothesis hai'p。0isi:z 2431 hysterical his,teriksl 2432 I ai 2433 ice ais 2434 ice-cream faiskri:m 2435 idea ai'dia 2436 ideal ai'disl 2437 identical aifdentikal 2438 identification

28、aidentifi,keif on 2439 identify ai'dentifai 2440 identity ai'dentiti 2441 ideology aidi'。hd3 i 2442 idiom 'idiom 2443 idle 'aidl 2444 if if 2445 ignite ig'nait 2446 ignorance Mgnsrans 2447 ignorant ignorant 2448 ignore ig'n。: 2449 ill il 24

29、50 illegal i'lirgsl 2451 illness 'ilnis 2452 illuminate i5lju:mineit 2453 illusion i'lju:3 an 2454 illustrate fihstreit 2455 illustration i.lssftreif an 2456 image 'imid3 2457 imaginary i'maedj insri 2458 imagination i.maedj i'neij on 2459 imaginative i

30、'maeds snstiv 2460 imagine i'maedj in 2461 imitate 2462 imitation imi'teij 0n 2463 immediate i'mi:djat 2464 immediately i'mi:diatli 2465 immense [mens 2466 immerse i'mo:s 2467 immigrant Emigrant 2468 immune i'mjun 2469 impact 'impaektjm'paekt 2

31、470 impair im'pg a 2471 impart im'pa:t 2472 impatient im'peij 0nt 2473 imperative im,perativ 2474 imperial im,pisrial 2475 impetus "impitss 2476 implement "implimsnt 2477 implication .impli'keij an 2478 implicit im'plisit 2479 imply im*plai 2480 imp

32、ort 'imp。:t,imfpo :t 2481 importance im'po : tons 2482 important im'po :tsnt 2483 impose im'pouz 2484 impossible im'po ssbl 2485 impress im'pres 2486 impression im'prej sn 2487 impressive im!presiv 2488 imprison im'prizn 2489 improve im'pru:v 2490

33、improvement im'pru:vmont 2491 impulse "imp Ais 2492 in in 2493 inaugurate i'n。:gjureit 2494 incentive in'sentiv 2495 inch intf 2496 incidence "insidsns 2497 incident 'insid0nt 2498 incidentally insiMentsli 2499 incline 'inklain,in'klain 2500 include

34、 in'klu:d 2501 inclusive in'khi:siv 2502 income 'in.kA m 2503 incorporate in'ko rpareit 2504 incorrect .inko'rekt 2505 increase 'inkri: s,in'kri:s 2506 increasingly in'kri:sigli 2507 incredible in'kred0bl 2508 incur in'ko: 2509 indeed in'di:d 2510 i

35、ndefinite in'definit 2511 independence .indTpendons 2512 independent .indi'pendont 2513 index findeks 2514 India 'indis 2515 Indian 'indjsn 2516 indicate 'indikeit 2517 indication .indi'keif on 2518 indicative in'dikotiv 2519 indifferent in'difront 25

36、20 indignant indignant 2521 indignation indig,neif an 2522 indirect .indiYekt 2523 indispensable .indis'pens0bl 2524 individual .indi'vidjuol 2525 indoors 'in'd。:z 2526 induce in5dju:s 2527 indulge in'dAldj 2528 industrial in'dA strisl 2529 industrialize

37、 in'dA strislaiz 2530 industry Indsstri 2531 inefficient .ini'fij ant 2532 inertia i'noj jo 2533 inevitable in'evitobl 2534 inexpensive .inik'spensiv 2535 infant 'infont 2536 infect in'fekt 2537 infectious in,fekf as 2538 infer in'fs: 2539 inferenc

38、e "infbrsns 2540 inferior in'fiaris 2541 infinite 'infinit 2542 inflation in'fleij sn 2543 inflict in'flikt 2544 influence 'influ0ns 2545 influential .influ'enj si 2546 inform inffo :m 2547 information .infSmeiJ an 2548 ingenious in'dj i:njss 2549 in

39、gredient in'gri:dj 0nt 2550 inhabit in'haebit 2551 inhabitant in'haebit0nt 2552 inherit inherit 2553 inhibit inhibit 2554 initial i'nij al 2555 initiate i'nij ieit 2556 initiative i'nij iativ 2557 inject in'd3 ekt 2558 injection in'dj ekf on 2559 i

40、njure 'ind3 a 2560 injury 'indj ari 2561 ink igk 2562 inland "inland, in [send 2563 inlet "inlet 2564 inn in 2565 inner 'in。 2566 innocent 'inosnt 2567 innovation inou'veij an 2568 innumerable i'njiEmor0bl 2569 input 'input 2570 inquire in'kwai

41、。 2571 inquiry in'kwaiori 2572 insane ? , ? m sem 2573 insect 'insekt 2574 inser in's。- 2575 inside 'in'said 2576 insight 'insait 2577 insist insist 2578 inspect in'spekt 2579 inspection in'spekj on 2580 inspiration inspo'reij an 2581 inspire

42、in'spair 2582 install in'sto :1 2583 installation .instsleif 0n 2584 installment in'st。:1m0nt 2585 instance 'instons 2586 instant instant 2587 instantaneous instsn'teinjss 2588 instantly 'instontli 2589 instead in'sted 2590 instinct finstigkt 2591 ins

43、titute !institju:t 2592 institution .insti'tjuj on 2593 instruct infstrA kt 2594 instruction in'strA kf an 2595 instrument 'instrum0nt 2596 instrumental instru'mentl 2597 insufficient .insSfiJ 0nt 2598 insulate "insjuleit 2599 insult finsA Itjn'sA It 260

44、0 insurance inj uarans 2601 insure in'f us 2602 intact in'版 kt 2603 integral "intigrsl 2604 integrate 'intigreit 2605 integrity in'tegriti 2606 intellect 'intilekt 2607 intellectual .intiFektf uol 2608 intelligence inftelid3 0ns 2609 intelligent in'teli

45、dj ant 2610 intelligible in,t2elid3 0bl 2611 intend intend 2612 intense inftens 2613 intensify in,tensifai 2614 intensity inftensiti 2615 intensive in'tensiv 2616 intent in'tent 2617 intention in'tenj sn 242 apple 'aepol 243 appliance o'plai0ns

46、244 applicable 'aeplikobol 245 application .aepli'keij an 246 apply s'plai 247 appoint 9fp0 int 248 appointment 9fpo intmsnt 249 appraisal o'preizl 250 appreciable o'prij 0bl 251 appreciate SpriJ ieit 252 apprehension aepri'henj 0n 253 approach 9fprsutJ

47、 254 appropriate dproupri: 0t 255 approval 9fpru:val 256 approve a!pru:v 257 approximate Spr。ksimst 258 approximately 9!pro ksimatli 259 April 'eiprol 260 apt aept 261 Arabian o'reibion 262 arbitrary dbi.tmri 263 arc a:k 2618 intentional in'te

48、nj anal 2619 interact ints,raekt 2620 interaction I ntsfaekj an 2621 interest 4ntsrist 2622 interesting 4ntsristig 2623 interfere .into'fis 2624 interference .intof orons 2625 interim 6 interim 2626 interior inftioria 2627 intermediate ?intdmi:diot 262

49、8 intermittent inta5mitnt 2629 internal in'thnol 2630 international intSnaeJ anal 2631 interpret in'tbprit 2632 interpretation in.t9:pri!teif an 2633 interpreter in'tbprit。 2634 interrupt .into'rA pt 2635 interruption .intafrA pj 0n 2636 intersection into'se

50、kj 9n 2637 interval Intsval 2638 intervene into'vi:n 2639 interview Intsvju: 2640 intimate Intimeit/intimit 2641 intimidate in'timideit 2642 into 'intu: 2643 intricate 'intrikit 2644 intrigue in'tri:g 2645 intrinsic in'trinsik 2646 introduce .intr9

51、!dju:s 2647 introduction .intrSdA kf an 2648 intuition intju4J an 2649 invade in'veid 2650 invalid 'involi:d, in'vselid 2651 invaluable in,vseljusbl 2652 invariably in've sriabli 2653 invasion in'veij an 2654 invent inVent 2655 invention in'venj 0n 265

52、6 inventor inVents 2657 inventory 'invon'touri 2658 invert in'vo:L 'invo:t 2659 invest inVest 2660 investigate inVestigeit 2661 investigation in.vesti'geij 0n 2662 investment in'vestm0nt 2663 invisible in'viz0bl 2664 invitation .invi!teif an 2665 invit

53、e in'vait 2666 involve in!vo Iv 2667 inward 'inwod 2668 !igglif mon n.英國男子 2669 iron 'aion 2670 irony "aisrani 2671 irregular i'regjul。 2672 irrespective iris'pektiv 2673 irrigation iri'geij on 2674 irritate 'iriteit 2675 island 'ailand 2676 iso

54、late 'aisoleit 2677 issue ,if ju: 2678 ? It it 2679 Italian i'taelj0n 2680 Italy 'itsli 2681 item 'ait0m 2682 its its 2683 itself it*self 2684 ivory 'aivori 2685 jacket 'd^ aekit 2686 jail d3 eil 2687 jam d3 aem 2688 January 'd3 aenjusr

55、i 2689 Japan d3 o'paen 2690 Japanese d3 aepo'nkz 2691 jar d3 a: 2692 jaw 2693 jazz d3 aez 2694 j。:z pron.你們的(東西) 2695 jealous 出 elss 2696 jeopardize 由 epsdaiz 2697 jerk d3 o:k 2698 jet d3 et 2699 jew d3 u: 2700 jewel 'dj u:sl 2701 jewi

56、sh 'd3 u:if 2702 job d3Ob 2703 join d3O in 2704 joint d3 0 int 2705 joke d3 auk 2706 jolly 'd3 □ li 2707 journal 'dj s:nl 2708 journalist 'dj 9:nslist 2709 journey 戈 s:ni 2710 joy d3 0i 2711 joyful 'd3 □ ifsl 2712 judge d3Ad3 2713 judgeme

57、nt 'd3 A d3 msnt 2714 juice d3 u:s 2715 July 1 3 u(:)'lai 2716 jump d3 A mp 2717 junction M3 Agkf 0n 2718 June u:n 2719 jungle 'd3 a ggl 2720 junior fd3 u:nja 2721 jury 'dj usri 2722 just d3 A st 2723 justice 出 A stis 2724 justification d3 Asti

58、fi'keiJ an 2725 justify 'd3 A stifai 2726 keen ki:n 2727 keep ki:p 2728 keeper 'ki:ps 2729 kettle 'ketl 2730 key ki: 2731 keyboard *ki:bo :d 2732 kick kik 2733 kid kid 2734 kidney 'kidni 2735 kill kil 2736 kilogram 'kilograem 2737 kil

59、ometer 2738 kind kaind 2739 kindness fkaindnis 2740 king kig 2741 kingdom ^igdsm 2742 kiss kis 2743 kit kit 2744 kitchen 'kitj in 2745 kite kait 2746 knee ni: 2747 kneel ni:l 2748 knife naif 2749 knit nit 2750 knob no b 2751 kn

60、ock no k 2752 knot no t 2753 know nsu 2754 knowledge 'no lid3 2755 lab laeb 2756 label 'leibl 2757 labor Teib。 2758 laboratory laebrsto :ri 2759 labour leibs 2760 lace leis 2761 lack laek 2762 ladder 2763 lady 'leidi 2764 lag laeg

61、 2765 lake leik 2766 lamb laem 2767 lame leim 2768 lamp laemp 2769 land laend 2770 landing Haendig 2771 landlady 'laend.leidi 2772 landlord laendlo :d 2773 landscape "Isendskeip 2774 lane lein 2775 language '喇 gwidj 2776 lantern Haentan 2

62、777 lap laep 2778 large la:d3 2779 largely la:d3 li 2780 laser leizs 2781 last la:st 2782 late leit 2783 lately ,leitli 2784 latent leit0nt 2785 later 'leits 2786 Latin laetin 2787 latitude Maetitju:d 2788 latter lasts 2789 laugh la:f

63、2790 laughter 2791 launch 10 :ntf 2792 laundry 10 :ndri 2793 lavatory laevstsri 2794 law 13 : 2795 lawn 10 :n 2796 lawyer ‘1。 2797 lay lei 2798 layer 'lei。 2799 layman "leimsn 2800 layout fleiaut 2801 lazy 'leizi 2802 lead led,li:d

64、2803 leader 'li:d9 2804 leadership 'liidsf ip 2805 leading ,li:dir) 2806 leaf li:f 2807 leaflet 2808 league li:g 2809 leak li:k 2810 lean li:n 2811 leap li:p 2812 learn la:n 2813 learned 'Enid 2814 learning 2815 lease li:s 2816 le

65、ast li:st 2817 leather ,leda 2818 leave li:v 2819 lecture (lektf a 2820 left left 2821 leg leg 2822 legal 'li:gsl 2823 legend cled3 and 2824 legislation led^ is'leij on 2825 legitimate li'd3 itimit 2826 leisure ,li:3。 2827 lemon 'lemon 2828

66、 lend lend 2829 length ler)O 2830 lens lenz 2831 less les 2832 lessen lesn 2833 lesson lesn 2834 lest lest 2835 let let 2836 letter 'lets 2837 level 'levl 264 arch a:tf 265 architect "a:kitekt 266 architecture fa:kitektf 9 267 arctic 4a:ktik 268 area 'eori。 269 argue dgju: 270 argument dgjum0nt 271 arise Sraiz 272 arithmetic oTiOmotik 273 arm a:m 274 army 275 around sYaund 276 arouse

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