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Flotation is undoubtedly the most important and versatile mineral-processing technique, and both use and application are being expanded to treat greater tonnages and to cover new areas.
Originally patented in 1906,flotation has permitted the mining of low-grade and complex ore bodies which would have otherwise been regarded as uneconomic. In earlier practice the tailings of many gravity plants were of a higher grade than the ore treated in many modern flotation plants.
Flotation is a selective process and can be used to achieve specific separations from complex ores such as lead-zinc, copper-zinc, etc. Initially developed to treat the sulphides of copper, lead, and zinc, the field of flotation has now expanded to include the oxidized minerals and nonmetallic, including-fine coal.
Principles of Flotation
The theory of froth flotation is complex and is not completely understood. The subject has been reviewed comprehensively by Klassen and Mokrousov and by Glembotskii et al. and will only be briefly dealt with here.
Froth flotation utilizes the differences in physic-chemical surface properties of particles of various minerals. After treatment with reagents, such differences in surface properties between the minerals within the flotation pulp become apparent and, for flotation to take place, an air-bubble must be able to attach itself to a particle, and lift it to the water surface (Fig.12.1). The process can only be applied to relatively fine particles, as if they are too large the adhesion between the particle and the bubble will be less than the particle weight and the bubble will therefore drop its load.
In flotation concentration, the mineral is usually transferred to the forth, or float fraction, leaving the gangue in the pulp or tailing. This is direct flotation as opposed to reverse flotation, in which the gangue is separated into the float fraction.
The air-bubbles can only stick to the mineral particles if they can displace water from the mineral surface, which can only happen if the mineral is to some extent water repllent or hydrophobic. Having reached the surface, the air-bubbles can only continue to support the mineral particles if they can form a stable forth, otherwise they will burst and drop the mineral particles. To achieve these conditions it is necessary to use the numerous chemical reagents known as flotation reagents.
The activity of a mineral surface in relation to flotation reagents in water depends on the forces which operate on that surface. The forces tending to separate a particle and a bubble are shown in Fig.12.2. The tensile forces lead to the development of an angle between the mineral surface and the bubble surface. At equilibrium,
All minerals are classified into non-polar, or polar types according to their surface characteristics. The surfaces of non-polar minerals are characterized by relatively weak molecular bonds. The minerals are composed of covalent molecules held together by van der Waals forces, and the non-polar surfaces do not readily attach to the water dipoles, and in consequence are hydrophobic. Minerals of this type, such as graphite, sulphur, molybdenite, diamond, coal, and talc, thus have high natural floatabilities with contact angles of between 60 and 90. Although it is possible to float these minerals without the aid of chemical agents, it is universal to increase their hydrophobicity by the addition of hydrocarbon oils or frothing agents. Creosote, for example, is widely used to increase the floatability of coal. Use is made of the natural hydrophobicity of diamond in grease tabling, a classical method of diamond recovery which is still used in many plants. The pre-concentrated diamond ore slurry is passed over inclined vibrating tables, which are covered in a thick layer of petroleum grease. The diamonds are attracted to and become embedded in the grease because of their water-repellency, while the water-wetted gangue particles are washed off the table. The grease is skimmed off the table either periodically, or continuously, and placed in perforated pots(Fig.12.3), which are immersed in boiling water. The grease melts, and runs out through the perforations, and is collected and re-used, while the pot containing the diamonds is transported to the diamond-sorting section.
Minerals with strong covalent or jonic surface bonding are known as polar types, and exhibit high free energy values at the polar surface. The polar surfaces, react strongly with water molecules, and these minerals are naturally hydrophilic.
The polar group of minerals have been subdivided into various classes depending on the magnitude of polarity, which increases from groups 1 to 5(Table 12.1)Minerals in group 3 have similar degrees of polarity, but those in group3(a) can be rendered hydrophobic by sulphidisation of the mineral surface in an alkaline aqueous medium. Apart from the native metals, the minerals in group 1 are all sulphides, which are only weakly polar due to their covalent bonding, which is relatively weak compared to the ionic bonding of the carbonate and sulphate minerals. In general, therefore, the degree of polarity increases from sulphide minerals, through where γS/A, γS/W and γW/A are the surface energies between solid-air, solid-water and water-air, respectively, and θ is the contact angle between the mineral surface and the bubble.
The force required to break the particle-bubble interface is called the work of adhesion, WS/A and is equal to the work required to separate the solid-air interface and produce separate air-water and solid-water interfaces, i.e.
Combining with equation(12.1)gives
It can be seen that the greater the contact angle the greater is the work of adhesion between particle and bubble and the more resilient the system is to disruptive forces. The ftbatability of a mineral therefore increases with the contact angle; minerals with a high contact angle are said to be aerophilic, i.e. they have a higher affinity for air than for water. Most minerals are not water repellent in their natural state and flotation reagents must be added to the pulp. The most important reagents are the collectors, which adsorb on mineral surfaces, rendering them hydrophobic (or aerophilic) and facilitating bubble attachment. The frothers help maintain a reasonably stable froth. Regulators are used to control the flotation process; these either activate or depress mineral attachment to air-bubble and are also used to control the pH of the system.
浮 選
浮選采用了不同的理化性能的粒子表面的各種礦物質。浮選用試劑,這種在表面性能之間存在差異的礦物在浮選礦漿內變得明顯,并發(fā)生浮選,空氣泡沫必須能夠帶動附著在自己表面的粒子,并使其在水面形成泡沫層(圖.12.1 )。
這個過程的礦物表面與浮選藥劑在水中的作用效果都是作用在礦粒表面,單獨粒子和泡沫中顯示如圖(Fig.12.2 )。拉伸力量導致拉伸的角度使礦物與氣泡表面拉力平衡,
木餾油,例如,被廣泛用于增加浮煤。使用的天然鉆石的疏水性油脂出臺,一個經典方法鉆石的發(fā)現仍然是使用在許多植物中。集中金剛石礦泥漿是通過傾斜振動篩,這是覆蓋著一層厚厚的石油潤滑脂。這些鉆石石油潤滑脂,并成為中嵌入油脂,因為它們有疏水性,而水浸濕煤矸石顆粒。油脂是脫脂定期或不斷,并放置在穿孔盆( Fig.12.3 ) ,這是沉浸在沸騰的水中進行。油脂融化,并運行通過穿孔,并收集和再利用,而鍋含有鉆石的物質被運送到鉆石排料部分。
極地礦物群已分為各類不同的規(guī)模的極性,從而增加從群體1至5 (表12.1 )礦物在第3組也有類似程度的極性,但那些在組3可以使疏水性由生硫化物的礦物表面在堿性水溶液中。除了本地金屬,
通過在γS /A年, γS / W及γW /A是固體表面能之間的關系,固態(tài)水和水氣,分別是與θ之間的接觸角和礦物表面的泡沫。式子中所需中斷粒子泡沫接口是被稱為粘附的工作,是WS/A和平等的工作需要單獨的固體空中接口并產生不同的水氣和固體水界面,即
結合方程( 12.1 )得知
可以看出,更多的接觸角較大的工作面是粘附粒子和氣泡以及更具彈性的系統,憑借強大的分子間力。油這種性質的礦產因此增加,接觸角;礦物高接觸角被認為需要氣體的 ,也就是說,它們對空氣的親和力比水的更高。
大多數礦產不親水的自然狀態(tài)和浮選藥劑必須添加到礦漿。最重要的試劑是捕收劑,其中的礦物表面吸附,使它們的疏水性 (或需要氣體的)和促進泡沫附著。該過程有助維持一個相當穩(wěn)定的泡沫。穩(wěn)壓器是用來控制浮選工藝;這些要么激活或抑制礦粒附著氣泡,也可用來控制pH值的系統。